Thursday, December 18, 2003

Killiney Hill roundabout

I was witness to a 'near miss' when the car going up the Killiney Hill Road tried to do what they've probably been doing for years - keep their momentum going until they hit the crest of the hill. However, the new roundabout now gives the right of way to traffic coming off the Victoria Road (presumably - the word STOP is still painted on the roadway in the roundabout), and this traffic is not visible to those coming up the hill until they're entering the roundabout.

Two problems are immediately obvious.
  1. Drivers coming up a very steep hill, urging their vehicle on will now have to slow and possibly stop on this steep incline.
  2. The poor layout of the roundabout and the fact that the traffic coming from the right (as you climb Killiney Hill road) is out of sight until the last minute will mean that many, many fender benders are inevitable.
This roundabout has to be removed so that cars can safely maintain their momentum going up the hill.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fay from Bray,

"This roundabout has to be removed so that cars can safely maintain their momentum going up the hill."

Yes, god forbid people may have to slow down or worse stop. Let everyone speed up the road and pay no attention to the law or pedestrians. It would be a terrible thing to knock someone down as you might damage your car.

Sorry for the sarcasm but you are naive in thinking that these ramps and roundabouts were put in to annoy motorists. They also serve a purpose in SLOWING traffic down. Its called traffic calming i believe. People who can drive their cars can stop on a hill and then proceed no problems, after all aren't hill starts part of the driving test. I know of many incidents on this road where people have come within inches of being injured or worse...because people drive on the footpath, ignore road signs and driving in excess of the speed limit.

You harp on about the Killiney Hill apartment residents...stating "wait to enter the road was too great a delay in this important person's life". Although I don't live there I can tell you that sometimes I have waited 4-5 mins to get out on the road...why don't you drive through Ballybrack Village and take the Glenageary Road to where ever you feel your "important self" should be? That would help solve the problem for both of us :)

I drive and understand that ramps/roundabouts can be frustrating but if you or your children walked the road every day anywhere were people speed, you would have a better understanding of why these measures were necessary.

Jill on the Hill

4:21 PM, July 25, 2007  

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