Monday, January 24, 2005

Greenstar apologizes

Greenstar has apologized for causing confusion regarding the pay-by-weight or pay-by-use system for 2005. And, it seems like they're going to spell out the exact charges for each lift.
A spokesperson for Greenstar said the company wished to apologize for any misunderstanding.

'With regard to any confusion that may have arisen over terms such as pay by use, Greenstar wishes to apologize for this. The situation will be made clear next week, when Greenstar announces specific charges for the number of bin lifts over the 12 months of 2005. This will be done by means of a presentation to Wicklow Co. Council, a letter to individual customers and by press release,' a spokesperson for Greenstar concluded.
What's funny about this is that Greenstar's customer service people knew the truth in early December, but those running the company never bothered to issue a definitive statement on the matter.


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