Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Guessing game

From today's Irish Independent:
Customers of one private bin company in Co Wicklow have already been told that their charges will increase from €372 to an "interim payment" of €392 in the New Year. They will then weigh the bins and the charges will range from €264 to €524 and the company will either bill the household for the extra cost or refund the overcharging.
Hmmm. I wonder what this anonymous company might be called?

We are being ripped off. Either we're going to pay by weight or we're not. Why do we have to pay in advance and then wait to see if we get a refund or additional charge? Is this legal?

I can see two reasons for this:
  1. They don't think they'll make enough if they charge us by weight because too many people will be encouraged to cut back on their waste. If that happens, obviously Greenstar's profits will be affected.
  2. The other problem is that they'll keep the refunds for anyone who's due one to make up for all the people who do not chip in the extra charge they'll owe if they produce too much waste.
I'd rather pay €10 each time I put the bin out. No other charges. I think I could get my annual waste bill under €200 if I really worked at it. Obviously, this is what Greenstar fears most.


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