Thursday, January 08, 2004

I'm dyin' here

I feel awful. Sort of dirty, I guess. The other day, since I could see no alternative, I quietly and unhappily caved in. Yuck.

Yes, I paid Greenstar to keep collecting our garbage in 2004. I wanted to pay them monthly (or even bi-monthly) as I do with every other utility, but no. You have to pay the full whack (€372) — if you pay by check. You can, however, pay monthly if you pay by direct debit.

So, that's what I did. I needed to do something, but by signing up for direct debit, I at least retain the possibility of finding an alternative arrangement for my garbage and canceling the direct debit. €31 per month for (typically) THREE collections of household refuse. Sure, they're collecting my recyclables on the 4th week, but what am I supposed to do when my garbage can is overflowing after 12 days without a collection?

And, what am I supposed to do when the less recycling-conscious among my neighbors start storing large amounts of garbage in their back yards during those two week intervals? What about when vermin start to appear? I'll be onto the health authorities and talking to a solicitor. Greenstar is creating a health hazard here in their cynical attempt to appear "environmentally aware" AND they know it.


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