Thursday, May 27, 2004

Sex appeal

Steven King, writing in yesterday's Belfast Telegraph, asks if sex appeal wins votes. Funny enough, a friend of mine and I were having exactly the same conversation with regards the PD's Mary Mitchell O'Connor. She's running for a council seat in Dun Laoghaire.

King doesn't really answer his own question, although he does say that what he calls the "phwoar factor" (sex appeal) should not be dismissed. My friend and I came to the same half-baked answer, although we ended up more focussed on the aging process and its effect on what appeals to us as regards the opposite sex.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004


I wish I could understand why some people insist on ringing my bell in order to hand me a leaflet for their candidate? Happened last night with Chris Fox's leaflet. The guy distributing them didn't really want to promote Fox, just give me the leaflet. He wasn't looking to engage in political discussion with me (maybe he's heard I'm an obnoxious so and so). He just handed me the Fox leaflet and was ready to leave until I started talking. He was pleasant, but was clearly happy to be on his way when the conversation was over.

And, why is it the Green Party hands out leaflets? Will they be sending someone around later to collect them? Or am I supposed to throw them away?

I'm not a fan of the Green Party and can't imagine voting for them, but my kids want me to vote for the Green candidate in the local election because "she's really nice". And, I know they're right. She is really nice. She even patched up my daughter after a nasty spill off her bicycle outside the woman's home.

So, I'm torn between voting with my political prejudices or for the nicest person.

Actually, most of the Green Party people seem really nice. Even Mr. Sargent and Mr. Gormley. Too nice to hold real political power if you ask me. Would they ever support any tough military or even police action (other than against illegal dumping)?

Friday, May 14, 2004

Civic centre

While I think of it, Mr. Vance's "Newsletter" cites the new civic centre as a great success. I'm sure it is. But, why is it that almost all the parking spots are taken up by people who work in the building? Surely, they should have to park elsewhere.

Us poor saps who are only running in to pay our car tax should be given a chance at a spot. There should be meters on every spot outside and maximum stays of 90 minutes. There really is no need for the head of the council or anyone else to have a reserved space. Employees should have to use public transport or pay at a private car park somewhere else in the town.

Coming to the door

Last night a nice old guy came to my door campaigning for Pat Vance. He handed me a pamphlet called "Bray Newsletter". I turned the "Newsletter" over and saw a picture of Pat Vance and this sentence, "It has always been my policy to keep you up-to-date and present an honest picture of local issues".

Well now. It may have been Mr. Vance's policy, but that policy has not been effectively implemented. Until his sign went up a week or two ago, I'd never heard his name. I've lived in Bray for five years and this is the first "Newsletter" I've ever seen. I haven't been kept "up-to-date" by Mr. Vance.

There are 11 topics mentioned in the "Newsletter", none of which is refuse. When I pointed this out to the man at the door he gave me the "there's nothing we can do" line. Excuse me, hello, your Mr. Vance is an elected official. He's in a position to do something about it. I pointed out that environmentalists have too much say in what can be done and Mr. Vance, as an elected official, is in a position to stand up to them. I suggested new landfills - what about an off-shore, uninhabited island or a big new landfill in the huge expanse of empty land in the hills above Glencree? - or a new transfer station at least. Why does it cost so much to bring your rubbish to Greenstar's Fassaroe facility?

Mr. Vance has nothing to say on this issue, so he won't be getting my vote. Vote for Pat Vance? Fat chance.

All I can say to you door-to-door campaigners is that you'd best have a good answer about the garbage situation if you want me to consider you for a number 1.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Irish Echo

Now that Stephen McKinley has mentioned this blog in print, I'll have to make a better effort to keep it up to date. He's shamed me into it.

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