Monday, November 27, 2006

Post office

Whenever I have to pick up a parcel in the depot near the post office on Quinsboro Road I'm struck by how lonely that small lane can be. This evening as I was walking out I saw a decidedly dodgy looking individual coming up the lane. As I walked by him I felt some relief, but I did wonder how the three women who were behind me in the office would feel when they walked down that dark, lonely lane. Surely a better, brighter approach is possible?

Christmas lights

What purpose is served by having the lights on during the day?

Thursday, November 23, 2006

East Coast FM

I rarely listen to East Coast FM radio station. I prefer talk radio. Last night, however, I figured I'd go to their web site to look for information on the traffic, but there was nothing. I was surprised. I couldn't believe they had no important local news section for just such an emergency. That's something they should consider.


I've only lived in Bray for 7 years so I probably just need to accept that I don't know the geography as well as someone who was raised here. Yesterday, during the traffic chaos I kept hearing that there was a major problem at Silversbridge. That's what the AA had on its web site too. I had no idea where that was. At 10pm I heard someone on East Coast FM announce that the problems were at Fassaroe, which I did know.

I doubt I'm alone in not knowing where Silversbridge was. I also didn't know where the Wilford Roundabout was. I guess this is how we learn about our locale.

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